The year 2020 will undoubtedly be remembered by all, including the employees of Zürcher Kantonalbank Österreich AG in Salzburg and Vienna. They worked in isolation from home, personal visits to clients were prohibited, and events were out of the question. All these factors called for a recipe to navigate the various lockdowns while strengthening the sense of community and maintaining connections with clients.
Because enjoyment is something precious—and becomes even more valuable when shared—this credo quickly led to a “distance team-building” book project. A book as a client gift, it compiles the employees’ favorite recipes and also provides a platform for young Salzburg artists during the pandemic. Just as a chef creates with ingredients, an artist uses color, words, or music to craft unique works. It’s all about taste, aesthetics, the right balance, and a lot of emotion. The result is an experience that brings people together and stirs emotions—whether slow & clean or quick & dirty.